Gamification in HR: Explore The Recruitment Trend For 2021

Companies like Google, Deloitte, Domino’s pizza, Formapost, Whirlpool etc are already benefiting from the sensational trend of the recruitment industry that is Gamification. There are several success stories of how these companies used Gamification for outstanding candidate experience and efficient employee management. So what Gamification is and how can one benefit from it is something we are gonna discuss in this blog.


What is Gamification in HR all about?

Gamification in HR constitutes the following attributes: Game algorithm, structure and feasibility to keep their employees actively engaged within their organization. Gamification isn’t all about just a game, there can be tests, assignments, puzzle-solving and many more that are exercised creatively using digital mediums.

The need of Gamification in Recruitment

Due to the COVID pandemic, gamification in recruitment is becoming popular day by day. This has been a popular way to engage with employees by building trust and loyalty. While in this digitally congested world, it’s hard to find the right medium to engage with employees virtually. Gamification has taken an active role in developing programs which have the abilities to keep the employees highly motivated and help them in achieving their goals.

In order to find the right employee the recruiters tend to know more of a candidate at both professional and intellectual level. Apart from academic achievements and technical skills, it is crucial to understand behavioral abilities and decision making of a candidate before proceeding with onboarding them. The testing for such skills and abilities becomes more convenient when Gamification is integrated into the conventional hiring process. It provides clarity on the candidate’s intelligence, aptitude, creativity etc. Not just the selection process, but it is also favorable to motivate and engage the existing employees to improve productivity.

testing candidate's ability


Gamification in Companies

There are various companies that are adopting this process, and gamification in recruitment is not new. There are several pieces of research that show that gamification has scaled businesses on a large scale. It has helped to solve difficult issues in the recruitment process and improvise employees’ abilities. One such research report from Gallup tells us that there are just 1 in 10 employees who are actively engaged with their job, and the rest of them are disengaged. It has also helped companies to align their business objectives with recruitment by hiring deserving candidates.

gamification in hr


Applications of Gamification in the Recruitment process:

1. For Selection of Candidates

Gamification helped many recruitment companies to find the right employees for their organization with an innovative, attractive, and more interactive approach. There are several apps being developed based on the nature of the job that company desires, according to that the game is deployed in order to filter out the candidates. With the company’s vision and culture aligned, the game is designed in order to engage with their prospective employees. There are even several ways which a company can engage with by using gamification, like the utilization of complex puzzles to find out the candidates who can think out of the box. In recruitment it has proved to be engaging, result-oriented, and productive for companies.

2. For Employee Training

Gamification helps to eliminate redundant and repetitive tasks in employee training. It can even help to develop a methodical structure for employee onboarding and training purposes. This can be utilised for every employee who is onboarded to the company in future. With this process being implemented, a company can save time and money invested in this process. Another creative technique that is utilised for employee training would be an online simulation. The real-time simulator can prove to be a great collaboration tool with their intuitive measures being adopted to make the candidate participate in the team and excel their objectives.

gamification for employee engagement


3. For Employee Engagement

There are several gamification tools which are used by companies to engage with their employees. These tools help to assess workplace conditions and meet the expectations of their employees. It has helped companies in solving complex problems creatively using gamification. This also helps in contributing to the health and wellness of an employee. Gamification for Employee engagement doesn’t only limit to engaging employees, it also helps companies to retain them. The methods that are utilized to retain their employees would be through GAP analysis and meet their expectations accordingly for an efficient employee management using gamification.

Summing it up

This latest tech trend is growing significantly year on year. Researchers state that implementing innovative techniques in the recruitment process has proven to be a promising area for organizations as well as staffing agencies to actively engage with their employees and achieve higher ROI. As gamification is highly interactive, it helps HRs to reward deserving employees without any prejudice.

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